FRT - Florida Repertory Theatre
FRT stands for Florida Repertory Theatre
Here you will find, what does FRT stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Florida Repertory Theatre? Florida Repertory Theatre can be abbreviated as FRT What does FRT stand for? FRT stands for Florida Repertory Theatre. What does Florida Repertory Theatre mean?Florida Repertory Theatre is an expansion of FRT
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Alternative definitions of FRT
- Federal Realty Investment Trust
- GP-Forth language source code file (GP-Forth)
- Funk Radon Transform
- Federal Realty Investment Trust
- Friends of the Raymond Theatre
- fast reaction team
- functional requirements test
- Financial Recovery Technologies
View 41 other definitions of FRT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FCRC Four Circles Recovery Center
- FCCIHK French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong
- FSI Five Star Institute
- FTFD Fairfield Township Fire Department
- FFV Fresh Food Village
- FG The Finch Group
- FPCG Fort Pitt Capital Group
- FSEL Fresh Start in Education Ltd
- FQM First Quality Maintenance
- FSRRL First Service Realty Real Living
- FBC Federal Business Council
- FFO Furuno Finland Oy
- FIL Fortis Insurance Ltd
- FPCC Fort Peck Community College
- FSG Federated Systems Group
- FARPL Fitzroy Australia Resources Pty Ltd
- FFA Fusion Factory Australia
- FBS Federal Building Services
- FII Foerster Instruments Inc.
- FDTI Flow Dry Technology Inc.